Useful Resources
Families East Kent Magazine - March/April 2021
Safer Internet Day - 9th February 2021. Please click on the below link for materials provided that are age appropriate (4 – 19yrs) and include activities you can do with your children to make them think about safe, trustworthy internet use. The resources are all downloadable. -
Whole school learning - Online resources
Classroom Secrets (set up a free Parent account!)
Teach Your Monster to Read (set up a free Parent account!)
Reading at Home - Please find below websites with access to FREE reading for the children, there's something for everyone!
Pearson - Help your child to enjoy reading
Busters Book Club - Activities
Science-Sparks - The 12 Sounds of Science
WWF - Focus on Grasslands Habitat
Science - 'Frozen Worlds' videos
5 Senses Nature Scavenger Hunt
Story Challenges
The Insideouters - Fluff has a Birthday Party
The Insideouters - The Insideouters take a Holiday
The Insideouters - Peter the Penguin Saves the Day
PE Personal Challenge - Week 1
PE Personal Challenge - Week 2
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