01227 464956

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School Starts at 8.40am & finishes at 3.10pm ........... Reporting your child absent from school - please telephone 01227 464956 or email officemanager@parkside.kent.sch.uk before 10.00am ...........  Term 3 ends at 3.10pm on Friday 14th February, and Term 4 begins at 8.40am on Monday 24th February ...........  


Vision Statement

Ethos and Values

At Parkside Community Primary School we want every child to feel valued and be given time and guidance to develop emotionally, physically and academically. We believe that every child has the right to learn in a caring, safe environment.

The establishment of a sound, positive and caring ethos is an essential prerequisite for whole child learning. It depends upon trusting relationships and a process of co-operative teamwork and the Governing Body and thus the school welcomes and encourages the involvement of the LEA, governors, parents and carers and others in the community.

Our Aims

At Parkside Community Primary School we aim to provide a safe, caring, supportive and stimulating environment with high quality teaching to achieve:

  • Enjoyment for all
  • An inclusive learning environment with equality of opportunity
  • Independent young people who are confident, flexible and able to cooperate with others
  • A diverse, broad and engaging curriculum
  • Academic success and progress across all curriculum areas
  • A high level of functional English and Mathematics skills
  • A high level of computing and technological competence
  • Creative expression, and develop imagination through a wide range of media
  • Conscientious young citizens who are tolerant and respect the values of others
  • Effective links between the school, the home and the community
  • Celebration, good humour and teamwork

We aspire for Parkside Community Primary School to be the best place for our children to come to learn; where they are supported by adults who are positive and show a love for learning; where children respect each other and take responsibility for their own learning.

All who work at Parkside Community Primary School believe that it is vital that we are all responsible for improving the skills of all children and we are here to support the raising of standards for everyone.

At Parkside we want pupils to REACH for the stars through:
