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School Starts at 8.40am & finishes at 3.10pm ........... Reporting your child absent from school - please telephone 01227 464956 or email officemanager@parkside.kent.sch.uk before 10.00am ...........  Term 3 ends at 3.10pm on Friday 14th February, and Term 4 begins at 8.40am on Monday 24th February ...........  



Christmas at All Saints!



Image of Christmas at All Saints!

A Big Thank You to The Pretty Prep Studio!



We would like to send a big thank you to The Pretty Prep Studio for donating to this year Christmas Raffle!

Buy tickets to this year raffle to be in for a chance to with a Pamper Party for 6!

Raffle tickets are avalible to buy from Monday 2nd December via the School Office will also be sold during the Christmas Fair where the prixes will be drawn.

Image of A Big Thank You to The Pretty Prep Studio!

Christ Church Cathedral School 'Be a Chorister for an Afternoon'



Greetings from Christ Church Cathedral School!


'Be a Chorister for an Afternoon' event on Saturday 11th January 2025 at 2.30 pm. Boys in current Years 2, 3 & 4 are invited to join us for an afternoon to look around our School and Boarding House, rehearse with the Cathedral Choir, and sing at Evensong with the Choristers in the Cathedral. All Cathedral Choristers receive generous bursaries.


The original purpose of Christ Church Cathedral School was to provide choristers for Henry VIII's chapel and cathedral in 1546. Our School continues to provide choristers to sing in the internationally renowned Cathedral Choir. All Cathedral Choristers receive generous bursaries. During University term time, we also provide singers for the chapels of Worcester College and Pembroke College.  


For more information, visit www.cccs.org.uk or, please contact our Registrar, Lisa Johnson, email: registrar@cccs.org.uk

Image of Christ Church Cathedral School 'Be a Chorister for an Afternoon'

The Family Food Bank Christmas Appeal 2024



Image of The Family Food Bank Christmas Appeal 2024

ASDA Cash Pot - Support Parkside!



Image of ASDA Cash Pot - Support Parkside!

Harvest Festival



Dear Parents and Carers,

We are putting together a special assembly to celebrate Harvest with the children in school.

As part of our harvest celebrations we would like to support the Church  and their important work within the Canterbury district by giving our donations to their Community Larder. We would be very happy to receive your donations for them in the form of long-life and tinned items.

Please leave these with the school office or send them in with your child on Friday 18th October.

Thank you for your continued support of the school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs McLevy

Head of School

Kids eat for free (or £1)



Skirmish Through Time - Re-Enactment Event



Image of Skirmish Through Time - Re-Enactment Event

Healthy Start



Image of Healthy Start

Healthy Start - Veg Boxes



Image of Healthy Start - Veg Boxes

New Breakfast Club Entrance



A letter was sent out to all parents on Friday 21st June explaining the reasons for the entrance change to breakfast club. Please click here to view the letter as well.

Fenwick Children's Baking Classes



Image of Fenwick Children's Baking Classes

Flyin at the Museum



The RAF Manston History Museum is holding an event on Friday 24th to Sunday 26th of May called Flyin' At The Museum, in association with LAA.

Image of Flyin at the Museum

Happy, Healthy Holiday Camps



At Teamtheme, we're excited to announce our May Half Term Sports Camp, and we'd like to extend a warm invitation to you to join us for some active fun.

Use code MAYDAY10 at the checkout to receive a discount!

Image of Happy, Healthy Holiday Camps

Spring/Summer Menu



Please click here to view the new Spring/Summer Menu which will start on Tuesday 16th April 2024.




Image of NHS App

Household Support Fund



Image of Household Support Fund

Flu Vaccination Programme



On Tuesday 26th November 2024 the School Immunisation Service Team will be coming to Parkside to administer the flu vaccine. Information will be sent our closer to the time.

Open Cockpit Weekend at Manston



Image of Open Cockpit Weekend at Manston

Term 4 Club Letter



Please click here to view Term 4's club letter. The first club will begin on Monday 26th February 2024.

Rosie Duffield MP visits Parkside!



Rosie Duffield was a welcome visitor to Parkside today. She awarded prizes during a special assembl for a competition named "Litter Angels", where children designed posters to encourage us to look after our local community. Our two runners up were Harry and Sonia, with Lexi scooping the top prize.

Image of Rosie Duffield MP visits Parkside!

Parkside Competition Winner!



Sonia in Year 5 was the worthy winner of the Christmas Art competition held by Rikama Education . Here she is collecting her prize. Well done, Sonia!

Image of Parkside Competition Winner!

Guidance for Parents



The team at Kent Police have very kindly provided Parkside with some guidance to share with parents relating to popular Christmas presents for children and young people. Please see below to view this guidance.

Parents Safe - https://parentsafe.lgfl.net/

Nintendo - https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Support/Parents/Parents-642522.html

PlayStation - https://www.playstation.com/en-gb/support/account/psn-safety-parents-guide/

Xbox - https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/family-online-safety/browse

eScooters - click here to view the flyer

Online Safety Information - click here to view the flyer

Snap Chat - click here to view the flyer

TikTok - click here to view the flyer

Whatsapp - click here to view the flyer

Inclusive Sport



Inclusive Sport- Yoga

We are excited to let you know that we have a new Yoga session running in Whitstable for children aged 5-12 years with SEND, in partnership with YO! KIDS. This takes place at Shakti Den, every Wednesday during term time. No prior yoga experience is necessary, all abilities are warmly welcomed. Direct booking link is attached below and remember we offer a Free Trial for any new sessions that your child attends. 

Inclusive Yoga- (5-12 years) Mild/Moderate needs children (5 - 12yrs) at Shakti Den, Whitstable | Inclusive Sport | Powered by ClassForKids


Inclusive Tennis

Another new and exciting session that we are now running is Inclusive Tennis. This is now running in Swalecliffe and Chestfield Community Centre. This session is for children aged 5-16 years with SEND to explore tennis in an inclusive, adaptable and friendly environment. Our coaches are there to give you a warm welcome and to support you in developing your skills and abilities within tennis. You can book onto our Free Trial using the link below.

ACE IT for children- Inclusive Tennis (5 - 16yrs) at Swalecliffe and Chestfield Community Centre, Whitstable | Inclusive Sport | Powered by ClassForKids


Sport for Fun

We would like to make you aware of our Sport for Fun session currently running in Whitstable at Whitstable and Canterbury,  taking place on Saturday mornings- term time only, flyer attached. These sessions are for children with SEND to enjoy a range of different sports with a focus on having fun in an inclusive environment.  The maximum group size for these sessions is twelve, to ensure the children are appropriately supported and their needs are best catered for by the specially trained coaches leading the session. You can find out more information and book online to the Free Trial by clicking the link below:

Sport For Fun -Mild/Moderate needs children- 5-11 years (Whitstable) (5 - 11yrs) at Whitstable Junior School , Whitstable | Inclusive Sport | Powered by ClassForKids

Sport For Fun - Mild/Moderate needs children- 11-16 years (Whitstable) (11 - 16yrs) at Whitstable Junior School , Whitstable | Inclusive Sport | Powered by ClassForKids

Sport For Fun - Mild/Moderate needs children (Canterbury) (5 - 18yrs) at St Nicholas School, Canterbury | Inclusive Sport | Powered by ClassForKids


You can also view all our children's sessions available on our website where there is more information and flyers via this link: Children - Inclusive Sport


If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to get in contact 

SEN Information and Guidance Event



SEND Information, Advice and Guidance event for Canterbury

Friday 8th December - 9.30 till 12.30

Poppy Children's Centre, Parklife, Memorial Park, Kings Road, CT6 5RG

Image of SEN Information and Guidance Event

Kent MS Therapy Centre Christmas Market



The Kent MS Therapy Centre is hosting their annual Christmas Market on the 18th November at our Centre just off of Nackington Road near Canterbury Rugby Club.

Click here to view the poster!

The Christmas Market is a family event featuring a giant inflatable snow globe, craft stalls, refreshments and festive lucky dip. 

New Menu



As of the 30th October there will be a new new Autumn/Winter Menu. Click here to view the delicious new menu!

Image of New Menu

Folkestone Model Railway Club



Folkestone Model Railway Exhibition will be at the Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October 2023

For more details please see the website: www.folkestone-mrc.com


Admission to Secondary School for September 2024 Open Now



the window to apply online for Secondary Admission has opened and will close at midnight on Tuesday 31st October 2023. For information of the process please link here to view the guidance sent out by the Kent County Council.

If you need help with your application for a Secondary School place please email kent.admissions@kent.gov.uk or kentonlineadmissions@kent.gov.uk 

Parkside earn silver from the Wilder Kent Awards!



Parkside are proud to announce that we have won silver commendation at this year’s Wilder Kent Awards for our hard work in helping to create a Wilder Kent.

The Wilder Kent Awards were set up by Kent Wildlife Trust in 2020 as a way of recognising and rewarding the positive actions that groups across Kent are taking in order to protect wildlife and safeguard nature for future generations.

Now in its 3rd year, 2023 saw the Wilder Kent Awards gain over 65 entries from groups and organisations across the county and Parkside are proud to be part of a growing army in the fight against the nature and climate crisis.

We thank Mrs Meynell and all of our pupils who use our forest school safely, respectfully and with the aim of creating a wilder space for us all to enjoy.

Image of Parkside earn silver from the Wilder Kent Awards!

Canterbury Community Fayre



Image of Canterbury Community Fayre

The Incredible Years



Canterbury Summer Masters



Reconnect Summer Flyer 2022



Reconnect Summer Offer



You are not alone poster



Service outline - Yana KCC



Family Learning final June



Canterbury Food Bank Information



Looking ahead to the summer holidays and thinking of those students and families who will struggle without school meals, Please find attached a leaflet, to inform people how they can access the Canterbury Food Bank services over the summer and going forward.


If you need support please call 01227 936450


Applications for Kent Test 2022



Information from Stagecoach on travelling to school by bus



FAQ for parents on catching the bus to school



Catching the bus to school teacher



Free Summer Bus Pass



The free Reconnect Family Bus Pass is back for Summer 2022, thanks to our local bus operators. Please see attached Flyer for more information. 


Image of Free Summer Bus Pass

Employment and Support Hub Referral



Employment Support Hub



Caterlink Spring & Summer Menu



Woodland Trust's Green Tree Schools Award



Parkside are proud to announce that after much hard work from the Parkside Team we have been awarded the Gold Award for the Woodland Trust's Green Tree Scheme. 



World Book Day - 3rd March 2022



Frozen Trip - 3rd March 2022



Otters Class achieve 100% attendance



Well done to Otters Class who are so proud of their 100% attendance!  Thank you parents/carers for your support getting the children to school!

St Nicholas Consultation - Letter



St Nicholas Response Form



RSPB Big Bird Watch



Image of RSPB Big Bird Watch

Aqualab - 8th/9th November 2021



Jo Clarke - author visit KS2



The Queens Green Canopy



New Aldi Store Opening



Cookery at Poets Corner



Otter Class Beach Trip



Otter Class went to the beach on Monday 5th July 2021!

We went to Whitstable on the minibus. We looked for things around Whitstable using some photos, we met a man called Simon at the Lifeboat House and he told us lots of information about the lifeboat and answered some of our questions. We then walked along the seafront and made some beach art.

We were very hungry by lunchtime and enjoyed our packed lunches. Before it was time to come home we had an ice cream and then got the minibus back. We had a great day! 

Wimbledon Lunch



We celebrated the start of this year's Wimbledon tournament with a themed lunch. A big thank you to Caterlink for putting on the special menu, we particularly enjoyed the strawberries and shortbread!



Science Week!



Throughout Science Week our pupils undertook lots of fun and exciting experiments! The children enjoyed learning about a variety of topics such as reflective materials, animals and plants. 

We were very impressed with our budding scientists and how well they carried out their experiments!

Squirrel Class visit the beach!



On Tuesday 8th June Squirrel Class went on a trip to the beach!

Our pupils had a fantastic time finding oyster shells, eating chips and ice cream and visiting Whitstable Castle. 

Easter Lunch Winners



Caterlink cooked a special Easter lunch for the pupils today alongside the chance for children to win special Easter prizes! Two plates of food were secretly hiding a sticker underneath and these lucky children have won an Easter colouring pack. Well done to our winners, Lillie in Squirrel Class and Dawid in Hedgehog Class!

World Book Day



We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 4th March and we enjoyed seeing the pupils dressed as their favourite book character! We had a great range of characters from Matilda and Little Red Riding Hood to The Mad Hatter and Harry Potter. A huge well done to all children, both attending school and learning from home, who made a great effort with their costumes again this year. 

As part of World Book Day, Mrs Messenger set the school the task of taking part in her Extreme Reading Challenge and so far we have received lots of amazing entries with people reading in strange and unexpected places! More information will follow in the coming weeks in regards to the individual winners and their prizes. 

Lots of the staff joined in, donning their fancy dress outfits and taking part in the Extreme Reading Challenge too!

Great effort Team Parkside!

Christmas Parties!



Pupils were able to enjoy Christmas Parties in their classes on the last day of Term 2 with some festive games and snacks, and a chance to get in the Christmas spirit before the school holidays!


Otter Class Junk Modelling



In Term 2, Otter Class made some fantastic castles out of junk modelling for their Topic lessons!

The children looked at different types of castles and forts and then designed and built their own using a variety of packets and containers. The pupils were amazing at using their creative skills and their imaginations! 


Parkside Minibus!



 We are very pleased to tell you that we now have our very own Parkside Minibus! 


Once activities such as sporting competitions and school trips start again the minibus will be used to take pupils to and from events. We are looking forward to the new opportunities the minibus will allow for our pupils in the near future!

Poppy Appeal 2020



Once again we participated in the annual Poppy Appeal in November to commemorate the brave soldiers who have given their lives fighting for the country. 

Despite the current pandemic we still managed to raise £24.75 for the campaign. Thank you to all the pupils, parents and staff for supporting this important cause!



Image of Poppy Appeal 2020

Harvest Festival



Reverend Phil helped us celebrate Harvest Festival with a fantastic virtual assembly that the children were able to watch in their classes. 

Each class also did some Harvest themed activities and here is some of the lovely work they produced!

Halloween Dress-up Day!



Squirrel Class had an amazing Halloween party yesterday. They did some creepy crafts, puzzles and even enjoyed some tasty sweet treats. We loved seeing the children in their spooky costumes. Well done Squirrels!


All the pupils and staff had such an enjoyable day!

Macmillan Coffee Morning



We held a socially distanced Coffee Morning in our playground on Tuesday 29th September to fundraise for Macmillan Cancer Support and all the amazing work they do. Thank you to the parents and friends of Parkside who came along and enjoyed some cake to support us in this event. We are pleased to inform you that we raised £40.00 for this great cause!

Jeans for Genes Day



At Parkside we took part in the annual Jeans for Genes Day on 18th September. Pupils and staff alike wore their jeans to school and raised £36.20 for this wonderful charity and the important work they do! Thank you once again for supporting us with this event. 

Duck Diary Update!



We are pleased to tell you that the ducklings are settling in nicely to their new home!


Duck Diary - Day 6



They are settling in well and growing fast! Enjoying cuddles and a swim.



Duck Diary - Day 5



Some more pictures of our Parkside ducklings from the weekend! 


Duck Diary - Day 4



We are pleased the ducklings have started to hatch! 

So far the Parkside Team has grown by three and we are 'egg'cited to see how much they will change. 


Duck Diary - Day 1



The Duck eggs have arrived at school. How long do you think they will take to hatch?               


Image of Duck Diary - Day 1

Look what's been delivered...



We are very grateful to the local construction company, Boygues UK, who have very kindly donated some large cable reels to Parkside. Mrs Messenger has some exciting plans to use the donations for our outside areas around the school! Keep your eye on the website to see how this progresses.


Parkside vs. Barham Football Match



In March, Parkside Community Primary School played their first game against Barham Primary School. The game began in a very end to end fashion with each team having chances. The first goal of the game was scored by Barham midway through the first half. Parkside kept going, showing their resilience by continuing to work together as a team. There was some great saves made by Manan in the Parkside goal keeping the score 0-1. As the game reached half time there was some great football being played, topped off with some outstanding defending and goalkeeping by Logan and Manan. Just as half time struck, Barham managed to score their second of the game but this didn't dampen the Parkside spirits. 

The second half began with Parkside still gaining confidence from their first half performance and not allowing their spirits to drop, Manan continued in the same form of the first half showing more outstanding saves. Although Parkside were losing their attitudes never changed and spirits never dropped with all players showing the school values in particular resilience. Just before the end of the game the Captain Freddie, hit a fantastic curling shot just over the keeper to be only halted by the cross bar. As the game came to an end with Parkside being defeated, the children can hold their heads nice and high and accept the accolades from the whole community of Parkside. 

Full-time Result: Parkside 0 - Barham 3

Squad: Manan, Radu, Logan, Tommy A, Freddie, Jack H, Lilly-Rose and Tillie-Boe

Man of the Match: Logan

Image of Parkside vs. Barham Football Match

Commonwealth Day



Badger Class attended the Commonwealth Day ceremony at the Princess of Wales' Royal Regiment this month to commemorate the Commonwealth of Nations. The pupils were able to watch the raising of the Union flag as part of the ceremony.

We feel very lucky to have been invited to this event celebrating such an important part of Britain's history and the children all had a wonderful time!

Image of Commonwealth Day

World Book Day



We had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Week this year!

We were lucky enough to have a traditional African storytelling workshop, a fancy dress day, a book swap and a free book for every child donated by ASDA. It was wonderful to see all the children’s amazing outfits! 

A huge thank you to ASDA for the donations and also to Mrs Messenger for organising the week’s festivities!

Image of World Book Day

Change4Life Sports Competition



On Thursday 13th February 4 children from Parkside Community Primary School represented the school in a Change4Life event. The children got to experience different sports across the whole event and to compete against other schools. During the event our pupils showed all their school values as well as accepting and showing the values of Garlinge Primary School and Nursery where the event was held.

All the children that attended had fun and once again were a credit to the school and you all. Well done Team Parkside!

Saturday Smarties



Two of our Year 6 pupils had a brilliant opportunity to attend Saturday Smarties at The Kings School recently for a fun Forensic Science day learning all about how science can help solve crime, using experiments like fingerprinting and chromatography. The pupils really enjoyed taking part and discovering new things!

Image of Saturday Smarties

Squirrels Class Library Visit



This morning our lovely Squirrel Class visited Canterbury Library and Beaney Museum as part of our topic 'Will you read me a story?'. We were so excited to ride on double decker buses to and from the city.  It started our journey off in the most delightful way - some of us even managed to laugh all the way there and back!

We met Christopher, the Librarian, who read us two very funny stories. One was called 'Slug Needs a Hug' which made us laugh.  A few of us also took out our very first library card. Preciouse loved choosing 'Cinderella' and Giyas chose 'Superdad!'. We learnt how to scan out books by ourselves and discovered that we could take out 30 in one go. 

We loved the opportunity to hear stories read aloud by adult helpers and were fascinated by all the wonderful books on offer. We all enjoyed looking at new books, both fiction and non-fiction.

After the library we visited the Beaney Museum and really enjoyed discovering lots of new and interesting facts about the collection. WE HAD A WONDERFUL DAY!

Image of Squirrels Class Library Visit

Dodgeball Tournament



On Tuesday 14th January a team from Parkside took part in a dodgeball tournament held at Canterbury Academy. The children’s amazing winning streak early on meant that they sailed through the first few rounds and progressed to the final. They played extremely well and ended up finishing the competition in second place!

We are extremely proud of all the children who took part and represented Parkside. We look forward to partaking in more sporting events throughout the year.

Image of Dodgeball Tournament

Christingle service



We held our annual Christingle service on Monday 16th December which was led by Owl Class. Year 4-6 children each made a Christingle to show in assembly and what a beautiful display it was!

We would like to say a huge thank you to Reverend Phil for his continued support.

Nativity play



Otter and Squirrel Classes performed a superb Nativity play for us all at All Saints Church on 13th December and we are extremely proud of each of them. It was wonderful to see so many families join us for the performance and support the children.

Image of Nativity play

Christmas Fair!



The newly formed PTFA organised an amazing Christmas Fair for the children at the end of Term 2.  There was a lot of different games to play and the chance to win some amazing prizes, donated by local businesses, on the raffle.  The children, parents and the local community all had a nice time and enjoyed the festive atmosphere.

Image of Christmas Fair!

Origami Workshop



Owls Class visited Canterbury Library this week and took part in an Origami Workshop. They had the opportunity to create some paper Christmas tree decorations that will be displayed on the Christmas tree in the library.

All the children had a great time and enjoyed learning a new skill. They were a credit to the school and we are very proud of them!

Image of Origami Workshop

Remembrance Assembly



Owl Class led the Remembrance assembly and shared some very emotional poetry based on Flanders Fields. Parents were invited to the assembly and we were joined by Mr Bodham who has served with Royal Army Ordinance Corps and 16 Para Heavy Drop. The whole school honoured the two minutes silence. It was a moving assembly that the children took pride in leading. Thank you to all the parents that supported us and to Mr Bodham for joining us.

Image of Remembrance Assembly

Saturday Smarties



Two Year 6 children were lucky enough to go and spend the morning in the science labs at Junior Kings School on 9th November as part of their Saturday Smarties Science Masterclass.  They had the opportunity to complete different experiments and really enjoyed taking part. 

We are looking forward to more events with Kings School in the future.

Image of Saturday Smarties

Macmillan Coffee Morning



We held a coffee morning in aid of MacMillian Cancer Support inviting parents and members of the community to join us. 

Parents and staff donated lots of delicious cakes which we enjoyed, thank you to those parents that were able to attend it was lovely to meet you all. 


As we had so many cakes left we were able to hold a cake sale on the playground at the end of the day.  Between both events we raised £50.00 to send to a worthwhile charity.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

Image of Macmillan Coffee Morning

Kent Road Safety Club



The children had a visit from The Kent Road Safety Club and learnt about road safety.

They listened carefully to our visitor and learnt about the importance of being safe when crossing the road. 

We had a lovely time and learnt a valuable lesson.

Image of Kent Road Safety Club

Jeans for Genes Day



Jeans for Genes 2019

The children all took part in the fund raising event of Jeans for Genes.  They paid a donation to wear the Jeans for the day. We learnt about the importance of this charity and how it helps children and adults with genetic disorders raising funds to support research.

We raised a fantastic £40.00 to send to the charity.  Thank you everyone for your support with this.

Image of Jeans for Genes Day