Our staff, children and governors are proud to share that Parkside Community Foundation Primary School has been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark in July 2022 and have been identified as a Centre of Excellence. We ensure that all the children are catered for within the school community to ensure they can access all areas of the curriculum. Our facilities include a Sensory Room and Nurture Room.
It is recognised that many children will experience a time when they may have an additional need during their primary school experience. It could be a learning or an emotional need. Depending on the need the SENCO will assess and provide the necessary support to ensure the child's needs are addressed.
Children who experience difficulties in learning are given extra support under the direction of the SENCO. Supporting adults provide interventions for individuals or small groups of children throughout the school under the guidance of the class teacher to break down barriers to learning. The progress of the children is carefully monitored and individual targets are written and reviewed.
Miss Kirsty Thompson
I am responsible for coordinating the support for all additional needs across the school to help our children access their learning and achieve their potential.
Miss Caroline Woodward
ELSA/ Nurture
I plan, lead and evaluate our Nurture Intervention across the school. I support in assessing the learning and social emotional needs of our children and give help that is needed to remove the barriers to learning. I am also an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and support children with their emotions and well-being.
Mrs Lucy Johnson
Intervention TA
I am responsible for supporting across KS2 with interventions. I take children on a 1:1 basis or in small groups.
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